
This voucher is for a photography session of the recipient’s choice. Post shoot, a link to a secure gallery will be emailed to the recipient to view, select & download images and purchase additional images and/or prints if the recipient’s wish. A printable voucher will be emailed after purchase. Vouchers are valid for one year….

This voucher is for a 1 hour Dark Art Session in my safe space studio, reserved for women and the queer community. Post shoot, a link to a secure gallery will be emailed to the recipient to view, download images and purchase prints. A printable voucher will be emailed after purchase. Vouchers are valid for…

This voucher is for an Outdoor Family/Pet/Couple Photo Mini-Session for a maximum of 5 humans. Post shoot, a link to a secure gallery will be emailed to the recipient to view, select & download 10 FREE images and download/purchase additional images & prints if they wish. A printable voucher will be emailed to you a…