And BAM the new year is up and running! How are you all doing?!


I’m delighted to have organised a couple of dates for my ‘Get intimate with your Camera’ workshops. Book HERE:

These involve meeting up and hanging with a group of people just like you who like photography, have a camera but aren’t really sure how things work apart from pressing the shutter button. DO NOT BE ASHAMED OF THIS! Due to the pricing and accessibility of great camera bodies and lenses now, there are thousands of amateur photographers out there. If you are an Auto presser, I’d like you be brave enough to come along to one of my workshops and learn how your camera works with a view to taking more creative pictures.

The workshop covers:

  • Equipment
  • Shutter Speed
  • Aperture
  • ISO
  • White Balance
  • Depth of Field
  • Light
  • Composition
  • Hints and Tips

That might look very complicated but it’s all done in a fun and relaxed manner. I absolutely adore teaching and as I’m self taught, I will never bamboozle you with big words, lengthy confusing technical explanations or make you feel stupid. Every day is a school day for me too so the workshop is a very hands on, practical workshop. You ask questions when you have them so I guarantee you’ll come away knowing what the large majority of those other buttons and indicators are on your camera and have the confidence in yourself to use them going forward.

We work together as a group to help you get the best from your camera. We take photographs throughout the workshop (inside and out – weather dependent) so the only requirement is that you bring/borrow a digital camera – Compact , Bridge or Digital SLR and your camera manual (very essential as I don’t know how every camera works!)

The 6 hour workshop costs £100 (max 10 people). If you know how your camera works and don’t want to attend a group workshop, then why not consider booking a 121 mentoring session instead?

Here’s some client feedback:


Jax – “I used to love taking pictures before this workshop. After being on it and being able to work out the manual settings more closely, I found an undisclosed passion with taking more and more photos. I started taking pictures for memories, but it turned into more of an art form. I realised that the pictures I can now take have more clarity, composition, and shows the areas that I want to highlight. Thanks. Well worth going on and such a reasonable price for what you come away with.”

Barbara – “It’s an excellent course. Well worth the price. Instruction is clear. And the environment is great. I expect your fellow pupils will be every bit as convivial as mine were. Super day.”

Jude – “It was a brilliantly organised day that was relaxed enough to put us at ease but structured enough to ensure we were learning. There was lots of opportunity to have 1:1 with Lesley, time to compare notes with those who had similar cameras and time to put into practice what we’d been taught. We had time to take photos and reflect on these as a group and get hints, tips and praise from Lesley. This course was so much fun, it taught me lots about settings on my camera and when to use them. More importantly it gave me confidence and ignited my passion for photography again! Thanks Lesley.”

Jane – “Brilliant day, very informative, really relaxed, venue was good and was perfect for what I wanted. Thanks Lesley.”

121 Mentoring

My 121 mentoring sessions can cover any area you feel you need help with photographically. This could be anything from learning to do your own product photography, flash (studio, OCF – Off Camera Flash or Pixel Stick), Astro photography or just general photography hints & tips, composition etc. You set the agenda and we tackle it head on. Please note my availability for 121 mentoring sessions during the months of April to September is restricted.

121 practical mentoring sessions cost £100 per hour (two hours minimum)*.

Feedback from fellow photographer Bondy Shoots:

“I contacted Lesley to see if she would be happy to do a couple of hours training with me to help me combat my flash fear. We met up and had a good old natter and it was great to be asked question about the way in which I currently shoot certain situations, and it meant that when we started the practical side of the training Lesley already knew my capabilities so she could tailor it specifically to me. She explained things in a way that I found easy to take it, and having a model meant that we could actually try out the techniques I was learning, rather than just being told what to do. I came away feeling so excited and buzzing to try out what I’d learnt! Would highly recommend a 121 mentoring session with Lesley!”

Confidence Builder

At some point, I’m also going to launch a self-confidence workshop aimed at overcoming your own awkwardness/anxiety and using humour/charm to engage with people & larger groups to help your guests/clients relax and get the best shots. I have buckets full of confidence, can ‘command’ large wedding crowds and can banter appropriately with guests/clients with ease. I know other photographers do not find this as easy so it’s my goal to help give you some inner confidence using my hints and tips to enable you to relax and do what you do best … take photos! As this is a ‘work in progress’ workshop, let me know if you fancy being a guinea pig.

Confirmed dates for future workshops:

24th March

Tickets available HERE:

Register your interest for future workshops here:

If you’d like to chat about a 121 mentoring session, then please Contact Me directly.



*Model and travel charges apply