I’m totally made up to be included as a preferred supplier for 2018 for Patrick’s Barn and The Garden Chef crew! To celebrate this, I would like to offer a £100 discount off my wedding pricing and a £100 print voucher for all bookings until further notice. Just mention ‘PATRICK’ when you contact me for my availability and pricing.

I dropped in to meet Becky, co-owner of The Garden Chef on a rainy day last week. Patrick’s Barn is their home venue and they look after/promote 5 other Sussex venues, all offering bespoke set ups for functions, events and weddings. We walked around in our coats & wellies, chatting about our businesses, the wedding industry and the history of the estate the venue sits on. I had lots of fun and I quite like her, but don’t tell her that for gawd’s sake.

Despite the soggy ground from oodles of recent rain, I can envisage great wedding things happening here. The Barn itself is a very good size with massive double doors opening to the outside area, which will no doubt flood the Barn with some cracking sunlight in the summer months. The Garden Chef’s HQ + kitchen resides next door. There is covered space directly outside the Barn and I can just imagine guests hanging out, chilling on hay bales with ambient lighting setting the mood. The car park is opposite.

A short walk away is the main house (which is part of the Chiddinglye Estate which is owned by the Earl of Limerick). There is a 400+ year old Oak tree where blessings can take place underneath its boughs. I absolutely LOVE trees! They are one of my guilty pleasures … shhhhhh. Not only do they keep us all alive, their magnificent trunks, branches, boughs and leaf tendrils watch us all in majestic silence, dancing with the wind & rain, listening to our stories as we pass by, slowly rooting themselves into our planet’s crust just to be that little bit closer to the sun. I can never walk by a tall tree without touching it’s gnarly bark and taking a moment to appreciate it. It also may or may not be true that I can sometimes be heard talking to trees but if there’s no-one is around to witness such a thing, did it really happen?!

There are Giant Redwoods here too, EEP! One of my favourite kinds of tree. Planted around 1865, not only do they swathe the old drive, there is another avenue of younger Redwoods next to the main house. I really can’t wait to get some couple shots with these magnificent beauties holding court in the background. There’s even a seat made out of one of the Redwoods which was hit by lightening!

Hopefully my images give you a good idea of the Barn, its space and the stunning grounds which are available to hire. Tell Becky I sent you if you think this peach of a venue suits your wedding needs.

I hope to hear from some of you regarding me spending your day with you and capturing your wedding photography at Patrick’s Barn.


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