Are you a Magical or Mythical creature? You are cordially invited to attend an epic woodland fantasy photo shoot I’m organising to celebrate the joining of two great mystical entities.

Think Faery, Elf, Centaur, Gruffalo, Butterfly, Goblin, Gnome, Enchanter, Nymph, Avalon Folk, Giant, Spriggan, Hobbit, Unicorn, Faun, Dragon, Sprite, Minotaur, Spirit, Pegasus, Dufflepud, Pixie, Griffin, Cherub, Dwarf, Herne, Green Men and Grey Folk … the list is endless

Location – Sussex, UK. Date 6th April.

I formally ask you to register your interest HERE.

Please download and share this invitation far and wide.

Blessed be …

Woodland Shoot Invite - Lesley Burdett Photography



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